The Key to Shifting Out of Your Shit Fast

It used to take me so so so long to shift out of my shit

I'm talking DAYS (at a minimum)

But often WEEKS and even MONTHS...especially when I was really in the thick of my depression and before I had the tools.



Things are so much different now and it has changed everything.

✗ Before I would believe every thought my brain fed me.

✔ Now I know that my brain can be a lying b*tch, who granted, is only trying to "keep me safe & protect me," but is really only keeping me small so I stay in my comfort zone. And instead of taking everything she tells me as the Truth with a "capital T," I catch those thoughts and reframe them from the perspective of my healthy self.

✗ Before when I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I would blindly accept it as - "welp, I guess this is just how today is going to be, maybe tomorrow will be better?" And give power and my whole day away to my shitty feelings.

✔ Now I have an abundant tool box of truly limitless ways to take whatever I am feeling, release it, and alchemize it back into my own power.

✗ Before I would wait for someone or something outside of myself to come and save me. Hoping and praying that something was going to magically change in my outer world and bring me the joy I sought in my inner world...but of course it never worked that way.

✔ Now, I save my own damn self. I *decide* to create the shifts and changes I wish to see by using my tools before I feel like it, knowing I just have to get started, I just have to do the things, and the shifts will follow.

✗ Before I would feel totally and completely alone, like I must be the *only* one dealing with these problems, and they were so awful and shameful that I should definitely keep them to myself because obviously something must be broken within me and I'll just be even more abandoned and lonely if I dare to speak about them.

✔ Now I know that shame is dissolved in the light and I open my heart and allow myself to be witnessed. I have sisters & a support system who WANT to hold me & see me in everything - the good, the bad, the ugly, the messy, and only love me more for it.

✴ no longer takes months, or weeks, or even days for me to shift out of my shit. It takes moments or a few minutes, and yes, sometimes even a few hours depending.

But what a MASSIVE difference this is.

Spending at most a few hours in my shit

And as a result - getting back the days, weeks & months of my life that I used to lose to it.

What would be different for you if you had the resources to get out of your shit quickly?

What would that give you back in your life?

What would that free you up to be & do?

➙ It would give you more joy & ease.

➙ It would give you the deep well of happiness you desire, regardless of what's going on externally.

➙ It would give you your peace of mind.

➙ It would give you your freedom.

➙ It could even give you your health back.

And when we really boil it will give you your LIFE back.

This is one of the biggest things that Savor is truly about:

✧ Gaining emotional mastery

✧ Taking back control of your thoughts

✧ Deeply regulating your nervous system

✧ Reconnecting you with your own personal power.

And. It. Changes. Everything.

So don't wait until you're ready

Because you probably will never feel "ready" for this work.

It freaks the fuck out of your ego because it's a whole new way of living that pushes your edges to expand the amount good that you believe you get to have, which at first can feel scary and crunchy

But actually?

Is the safest thing you can ultimately do for yourself.

Staying in your shit, continuing to spiral is not safe at all. And in fact is harming and retraumatizing you again and again.

So if you are open, willing, desiring, or even just have the tiniest little spark of hope, like I once did, quietly reminding you that life truly does get to be & feel better?

Then, my love, this work is in fact for you

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